Chickpea, the Law School’s unofficial pet, provided some mental health relief to TBLS students this term

‘Get your Vitamin-C for Chickpea’ was a cycle of sessions taking place in the last few weeks of the term.

During weeks 10 to 12, Chickpea the dog attended Ms Panades-Estruch’s office on Fridays after lunch.

Students could come in and pet him whenever they wished.

This event brings TBLS into the worldwide trend of tackling mental health in the workplace.

Studies worldwide report a decrease in stress upon petting an animal.

These sessions helped our students relax during the busy assessment season at TBLS.

Chickpea, originally a rescue dog from the Cayman Islands Humane Society, is more than happy to help our students be the best version of themselves.

Ms Panades-Estruch said: ‘I am very proud of organising activities that contribute positively to our student community’s mental wellbeing.’

Further information can be obtained from Laura Panades-Estruch at


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