University of Cambridge invites Ms Panades to talk about overseas territories

The University of Cambridge hosted a talk about British Overseas Territories.

Ms Panades was the guest speaker.

The talk covered the past, present and current challenges of British Overseas Territories from a legal perspective.

The talk took place at Clare Hall College, where Ms Panades is currently a PhD candidate under suspension.

Current and former College Presidents, Professors Alan Short and David Ibbetson, were among the audience.

Further distinguished guests of the talk included representatives from US and UK Law Schools, and HM Treasury.

Clare Hall was founded as a centre for advanced research by Senior Members of Clare College.

Clare Hall is distinctive because it does not allow high tables: high level academics, staff and students sit together in College events.

Ms Panades is grateful to the Portfolio of Legal Affairs and the wider civil service for allowing her to conduct a cycle of talks and interviews in the UK.

She is a specialist on Caribbean British Overseas Territories public finance and welcomes any opportunities for public engagement.

 Ms Panades has said:

‘This talk has helped me understand the main questions in my field and spurred further research opportunities.’

‘As a professional researcher, I am devoted to work to solve the questions fundamental to improve Cayman’s future.’


Laura Panades



Ms Panades interviews UK Chief Negotiator of Cayman’s fiscal responsibility

On 19th July, Ms Panades interviewed Lord Bellingham, former UK Parliament Minister for the Overseas Territories.

Lord Bellingham was the UK lead negotiator of the frameworks for fiscal responsibility.

These are laws that restrict government’s ability to accumulate debt.

This is so that government finances can be stable in the long term.

Lord Bellingham and Ms Panades discussed the negotiations between the UK and the overseas territories.

Findings from the interview will inform Ms Panades’ current research on British management of political and financial scandal in British Overseas Territories.

Lord Bellingham was Minister for the overseas territories under the Conservative government of David Cameron.

Under his watch, the 2012 White Paper on overseas territories was published.

This document has influenced the relationships between the UK and the overseas territories greatly.

The White Paper remains the most updated governmental paper on the subject.

Ms Panades is grateful to the Portfolio of Legal Affairs and the wider civil service in facilitating this cycle of interviews in London.

This is further evidence of the Cayman Islands Government commitment for the advancement of Caymanian scholarship.

Further press information from:

Laura Panades-Estruch



Ms Panades interviews Mr Martin Stanley on UK direct rule of Turks and Caicos Islands

On 13th July, Ms Panades interviewed Mr Martin Stanley to critically discuss the relationship between the UK and its Overseas Territories.

Findings from the interview will inform Ms Panades’ current research on British management of political and financial scandal in British Overseas Territories.

Mr Martin Stanley, now retired, has enjoyed a successful career within the highest ranks of the UK Civil Service.

In 2009, Mr Stanley was appointed interim Chief Executive of Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).

Mr Stanley held overarching responsibility to run TCI’s civil service during the UK’s direct rule following Premier Misick’s resignation from office.

Views gathered in the interview advance Caymanian research.

Mr Stanley’s views deepen our understanding of the relationships between the UK and its overseas territories, like Cayman.

Mr Stanley is now a thought-leader and prolific writer.

His mission is to spread practical knowledge on the inner workings of the UK’s civil service. His website is

Ms Panades is grateful to the Portfolio of Legal Affairs and the wider civil service in facilitating this cycle of interviews in London.

This is further evidence of the Cayman Islands Government commitment for the advancement of Caymanian scholarship.

Further press information from:

Laura Panades-Estruch